
How To Say Who Are You In Spanish

I know, I know. '¿Cómo estás?' is i of the first phrases you learned. Merely what if I told you that we actually have other common ways to say how are yous in Spanish? And why wouldn't you desire to acquire them? Because they will make you sound less repetitive and more natural!

Seeing how helpful this can be for you, in this article, I'll show y'all 7 expressions (and their variations) that you tin use to say 'how are you' like a native Spanish speaker!

Just a heads-up! Non all of these phrases will be suitable for all situations. And then, brand sure you bank check the examples and descriptions. I'k also going to include examples for asking someone how other people are as well, and so you can make the near of the different ways to enquire how someone is in Spanish.

1. ¿Cómo estás? – How are yous?

¿Cómo estás? is the most standard way to say 'how are you'. As a result, yous can use this question in both formal and informal Spanish. Since '¿cómo estás?' is meant to accost a person (tú), you will need to conjugate the verb 'estar' to accost dissimilar people:

¿Cómo + ['estar' conjugated] + (noun)?

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?
Hey, how are you?

Oye, Paulina, ¿cómo está Celia?
Hey, Paulina, how is Celia?

¡Qué gusto verte! ¿Cómo están tus papás?
It's so nice to encounter you! How are your parents?

Buenos días, ¿cómo está, señor López?
Good morning, how are you lot, Mr. López?

To make this expression more formal, you need to conjugate 'estar' to the third person singular ('usted').

Have Note: You lot can use the preterite form ¿Cómo estuvo? to ask a person almost something that took place in the past.

¿Cómo estuvo tu día, pá?
How was your day, dad?

2. ¿Cómo andas? – How is information technology going?

If y'all're looking for an informal way to say 'how are y'all' in Castilian, '¿cómo andas?' is a practiced option to utilize with your friends and family unit. Yous tin can translate information technology equally 'how are you?', 'how is information technology going?' or 'how are you doing?'.

¿Cómo + ['andar' conjugated] + (noun)?

¡Qué onda, amiga! ¿Cómo andas?
What's up, pal? How is it going?

Y, ¿cómo anda tu hermano?
How is your brother doing?

¿Cómo andan, chicos? ¿Qué tal el fin?
How are you, boys? How was the weekend?

With this significant, andar is e'er conjugated in the nowadays tense.

Take Note: The Spanish verb andar is an informal synonym of the 'estar'. Notwithstanding, the only application where yous cannot interchange these verbs is when talking nearly location.

3. ¿Cómo te va? – How are you lot doing?

¿Cómo te va? is another informal style to say 'how are you' in Spanish. We typically apply this expression when we've heard about the other person for a while. In other words, this is non a phrase you'd use every bit a daily greeting.

'¿Cómo te va?' is close in pregnant to 'how are you doing?', 'how is it going?' or 'how are y'all?'. Although it doesn't sound as cool as Joey's (from Friends) "how are you doing?", y'all tin apply ¿cómo te va? when talking to a boy or girl.

¿Cómo + [indirect object pronoun] + va + a + (person)?

¿Cómo te va, bonita?
How are you doing, beautiful?

¿Cómo me va? No me puedo quejar.
How am I? I can't mutter.

¿Sabes algo de Andrew? ¿Cómo le va?
Have you heard from Andre? How is he?

Take Notation: Yous can besides employ the variations '¿cómo te ha ido?' and '¿cómo va todo?' with the same meaning. Equally a conversation tip, the present progressive course '¿cómo te está yendo?' is used to ask people how they're doing with an activity.

4. ¿Qué tal? – How is it going? / How are you?

In Castilian Castilian, ¿qué tal? is a casual synonym of '¿cómo estás?'. Pay attention to the context because this expression is used equally a greeting in other Spanish-speaking countries.

Hola, guapa, ¿qué tal?
Hi, beautiful, how are you?

¡Adam! ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estuvo tu viaje a México?
Adam! How is information technology going? How was your trip to Mexico?

In Latin American Spanish-speaking countries, we use the total version ¿qué tal estás?. This expression is not only a more formal way to say 'how are you' in Spanish, but it also allows you to ask almost other people.

¿Qué tal + ['estar' conjugated] + (person)

Buenos días, ¿qué tal está?
Expert morning, how are you lot?

¡Cuánto tiempo sin verte! ¿Qué tal estás?
Long-fourth dimension, no meet! How is it going?

Have Note: In Latin America, '¿qué tal?' can also piece of work as a greeting. Additionally, y'all can besides use it to respond to the question ¿cómo estás?

Yo bien y tú, ¿qué tal?
I'm fine, how nearly y'all?

5. ¿Cómo te encuentras? – How are you?

'¿Cómo te encuentras?' is a common expression to say 'how are you?' more formally. Usually, we inquire this question to a person who has been ill or has gone through a crude patch. Depending on the context, information technology could also be translated as 'how are you feeling?' or 'how are you doing?'.

'¿Cómo sigues?' is a more than casual way to pose the same question.

¿Cómo + [reflexive pronoun] + ['encontrar'/ 'seguir' present tense]?

¿Cómo se encuentra, señora Alicia?
How are you, Mrs. Alicia?

¿Cómo te encuentras, mamá?
How are you, mom?

Amiga, ¿cómo siguen Ernesto y tú?
Amiga, how are you and Ernesto doing

6. ¿Cómo te trata la vida? – How are things going?

'¿Cómo te trata la vida?' is another breezy question you can ask instead of '¿cómo estás?'. This expression is suitable for friends or family that nosotros haven't heard from in a long fourth dimension. In add-on to meaning 'how are you' in Spanish, this question conveys the idea that you lot desire to catch up with that person.

It tin be translated as 'how are things going?' and 'how is life treating you?'.

¿Cómo + [straight object pronoun] + trata la vida?

¿Cómo las trata la vida, chicas?
How is life treating you, girls?

¡Qué onda, Rodrigo! ¿Cómo te trata la vida?
What's up, Rodrigo! How is life treating you?

¡Qué bonita sorpresa! ¿Cómo te trata la vida?
What a nice surprise! How are things going?

Accept Note: ' ¿Cómo te trata la vida?' asks how things are going in this specific moment of life. You can utilize its variation ' ¿cómo te ha tratado la vida?' if you lot want to ask almost both nowadays and past points in life.

7. ¿Cómo has estado? – How have you been?

The Spanish question '¿cómo has estado?' is a standard way to ask people how they have been. We utilize this phrase with people we haven't seen or talked to in a while since information technology allows us to inquire almost them upwards to this indicate in life.

Notice that you lot conjugate the verb 'haber' based on the person yous desire to address.

¿Cómo + ['haber' conjugated] + estado + (person)?

¿Alan? ¡Qué sorpresa! ¿Cómo has estado?
Alan? What a surprise! How take you been?

Hola, bonita, ¿cómo has estado?
Hi, gorgeous, how have you been?

Y, ¿cómo ha estado tu familia?
And how has your family been?

Wrapping Up

Now that you lot know different ways to say 'how are you lot' in Spanish, it's time for yous to start implementing these phrases and enrich your vocabulary! ¡Buena suerte!


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