
How To Get More Audience For My Blog

Is it difficult for you to get more readers for your blog posts? You have an amazing blog with valuable blog posts. But, does it attract readers? How much traction are you getting on your blog each month? How many people are reading your blog posts?

Here's the scenario. You've written an amazing blog post, proofread, edit, and hit publish. But after months of publishing, you're still not getting any traction — no one is reading your blog contents.

I get it, you feel frustrated and sad. In fact, many times you feel like giving up. It is not easy to be in a situation where, after spending time and energy researching and creating a high-quality blog post, no one reads your article.

Are you facing this same problem? If yes, you're not alone.

Many Big-time writers and bloggers were in this same situation before they figured out the secret techniques to attract more readers to their blogs.

The good news is that there are many incredible ways to get more readers to read your blog posts. This brings us to,

How to get more readers for your blog posts.

In this article, I'm going to walk you through the best strategies that will help you attract more readers to your blog.

1 Craft catchy headlines

Try to come up with an irresistible headline for your post. It might be a numbered headline, a headline that makes a promise, headline that triggers curiosity, etc.

A study shows that traffic can vary by as much as 500% based on the headlinealone.

What types of headlines are irresistible?

Now, let's look at the various irresistible headlines you can come up with and how they can help you attract more readers to your website.

Headlines that triggers curiosity

For example, a headline that triggers curiosity doesn't give out much information to readers. The concept is to tease your readers and make them click.

Curiosity is a characteristic associated with inquisitive thinking, namely: investigation, exploration, and learning. It moves readers to click to find out more about the content.

Numbered Headlines

Numbered headlines give readers something to hold on — a number of tips, guide, or steps to solving their problems. It offers readers different ways in numbers that work to solve their problems where they can choose from.

In this way, your readers get to know what they're getting into.

An analysis by Conductor experimented with 5 types of headlines. It shows that headlines with numbers performed better than those without.

Overall headline preferences

Headline preferences by Gender

Bret Carmichael Testimonail

Here's what Andy Crestodina said about using numbered headlines for your blog post.

"Numerals, not just numbers, are part of the magic. In a line of letters, numerals stand out. So don't write a headline with "Eight Things," write one with "8 things."" — Andy Crestodina

So, it's not just about using numbers in your posts. Use numerals, they perform best.

A promise-driven headline

A Promise-Driven headline offers readers the benefits of reading your content. If they can't figure out the benefits of your content from your headline, they will not click to read. So, when crafting a headline that makes a promise(s), be sure to let readers know what's in it for them.

Here's what Barry Feldman of "Feldman Creative" said about a promise-driven headline:

"Consider content marketing a war zone. The battle is for attention and your headline is your weapon. The reader's perpetually — but subconsciously — asking, "Why should I read this?" Answer the question. Make it unmistakably clear what the reader gains by investing time in your content.

The pulling power of a magnetic headline traces to its promise. Simply stated, it's a benefit" — Barry Feldman

There are many ways to craft catchy, irresistible headlines. Identify these and use them to increase your blog post readership.

2 Create compelling blog posts consistently

Now that you've successfully crafted a catchy headline that promised your readers some benefits, some amazing ways to solve their problems, or makes them curious about your post, etc.

It's time to frequently create compelling content because, at this point, your readers are eager to read your post. Thus, write for your readers, with their problems, issues, and aspirations in mind, not for yourself or business.

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Identify their difficulties, struggles, contents they love to read, etc. Once you find these, write about them, solve their problems and answer their questions with your writing.

You can as well rewrite your old blog posts and republish them on your website. This will help you create unique content and same you time as well. Use incredible tools like Service Scape to create and edit your content to help you maintain consistency. With Service Scape you can get your work done in less time.

Consequently, make sure that you are consistent with publishing compelling content often, as this will give your readers a reason to keep coming back for more.

When you create high-quality blog posts often, your readers will come looking for your content because they find it informative and useful. Most important of all, it will dramatically increase traffic to your site, make you an expert and authority in your niche.

Here's what Neil Patel said about regularly creating high-quality content:

"But the few digital marketing influencers who spend their time creating the right content drive more traffic and leads than they can handle because they continue developing awesome content for their own blog." -Neil Patel

For instance, Search Engine Journal has regularly produced high-quality content which has resulted in incredible traffic to their website, with over 1,000,000 monthly visitors.

The study points out that sites with consistent high-quality content experience remarkable traffic growth of 7.8× more than those without consistent compelling blog posts.

3 Use call-to-action

Let's say you already have a measure of blog audience, those who read your post.

Leverage their loyalty and ask them to share your blog posts with their friends on social media and other marketing channels.

Once their friends find it useful, they'll respond by sharing it further with their friends.

It's important that you add a call-to-action and ask your readers to take action and share your article because if they have no idea that you want them to share it, it's likely they will not share your content.

Some of them who want to share your article might be reluctant about it. So add call-to-action on your blog or website where it's right and make it easier for readers share your Post.

4 Get more readers with a Thunderclap Campaign

Thunderclap Campaign

Thunderclap is a crowd-speaking platform that allows users to mobilize supporters to help spread their message across different social media platforms.

How to use Thunderclap to get more readers for my blog posts?

The first thing to do is to create a Thunderclap account. To create an account, all you have to do is sign-up to Thunderclap with your Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook login details.

Next, click on the "start Thunderclap" button. This will take you to a page where you'll see samples of successful campaigns in various categories to inspire you.

Then click on the "start" button to create your campaign. The next page is where you fill your personal info and your campaign details.

However, you have to mobilize people on this platform and other social media platforms to support your campaign.

All those you mobilized will then sign-up and be consistent with their pledge to share your message on all your preferred social media channels.

You'll have a preset message or information about your campaign ready to send across, as well as a set time for your message to go live and when to end your campaign.

Once you reach your target supporters, the preset campaign message will be shared automatically with your participant's followers at a particular time.

Where can I find people to support my campaign?

You can mobilize supporters from Thunderclap platform.

Twitter chat is also a good place to find people to pledge. You can as well invite your Twitter followers to sign-up and pledge.

Facebook is also a remarkable platform to get supporters. Invite your Facebook friends to sign-up and support your campaign.

Or you can create a Facebook group and invite them over to Thunderclap to pledge for your campaign.

Here are some screenshot examples of successful Thunderclap campaigns:

Peg Fitzpatrick

Peg Fitzpetric

Peg Fitzpatrick and Guy Kawasaki Co-authored the "The Art of Social Media" and launched a Thunderclap campaign that had a social media reach of more than 2 million.

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferris Campaign

Joseph Hsieh Testimonial

Tim Ferriss launched a successful Thunderclap Campaign for a TV Series that skyrocket his social media reach to more than 7 million.

Aliza Licht

Aliza Lichit Campaign

Aliza Licht is the vice president of global communications for Donna Karan International, the voice behind DKNY PR GIRL, and social media personality, organized Thunderclap biggest book launch with a social media reach of over 8.4 million.

Here's what she said:

"Thunderclap makes going viral possible by leveraging your network to support and amplify your course at the exact moment you want your message shared. The result? A thunderous virtual standing ovation." — Aliza Licht, SVP, Global Communications, Karan International.

5 Guest post on other blogs

Guest blogging is the fastest way to set up yourself as an expert and authority in your niche, and one of the best way to get more readers to your blog. How?

Publishing your posts on authority blogs will help you gain valuable backlinks to your website, which will in-turn bring in more readers, more email subscribers, etc.

For example, let's say you just started publishing, which means your blog is relatively new and small — meaning you only have a handful of readers.

When you guest post on authority blogs in your niche, you are effectively putting your content in front of a massive audience. You get credit for your article and a link to your blog. This will help you reach more readers.

Guest blogging on other blogs is a win-win opportunity because, when you create content for others, you're effectively promoting your brand and blog. It will help you reach new readers and build your blog's audience. Guest posting is great because it offers you a new readership and many more benefits.

So, take time to find out about authority blogs in your niche that are accepting guest post.

If you can't find authority site to guest post your articles, look for semi-authority websites and blog, better still, look for a smaller blog and pitch your idea for a blog post to them.

Note: There are some steps you need to take that will help you land your first authority guest post.

Read this post by Elna Cain, published on Blogging Wizard. The strategies she outlines will help you land guest posting opportunities on authority blogs.

6 Promote your content on social media sites

Social media promotion is another beautiful way to get more readers for your blog content. It offers you 2 options — paid and free versions.

The free version is where you set up your account and start sharing your content on your page or profile. While a premium version is where you pay for advertising.

Advertising your content on different social media platforms will gain you more readers because your posts are sent directly to your targeted audience.

It cost money, so if you have the budget, I recommend you go for it. But if you have a tight budget, then stick with the free version and keep sharing your article on all your social accounts.

Please, do not try to have a presence on all social media sites, it is overwhelming sometimes.

But try to regularly publish and promote high-quality content across social media sites.

Identify the best ones for your blogging business and set up your account. You can start with about 3 or 4 accounts on the major social media platforms.

As time goes by, you can widen out and expand your horizon.

While you're there, join groups related your niche.

Be active and contribute to conversations. Share your content and those of other bloggers on the many groups you've joined.

These activities will get you noticed as an expert. Thus, drive more readers to your blog.

7 Personalize your blog post

The idea here is not to input someone's name in your content and say something like "this post is dedicated to you," no. Rather, it is for you to have your best reader or fan in mind when writing.

Instead of thinking about thousands or millions of readers when you write, think about how your ideal reader will feel when reading your post.

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Some questions to consider are:

  • Will your ideal reader resonate with your content?
  • How will he/she feel when reading your content?
  • How will your blog post impact or add value to his life?
  • Will your post be able to solve his problems?

Such questions will help you create content that resonates with your targeted audience because you have your best reader in mind.

When you write with an individual in mind, your writing or blog content will be persuasive, it will be more engaging, personal.

More engaging in the sense that it will attract more comments.

Also, because you wrote with your ideal reader in mind, it will resonate with your audience because each reader will feel like your article directed to him personally.

This will persuade them to take action and share it with others, which will dramatically increase your blog post readership.

8 Comment on other blogs

If you've not been commenting on other blogs, its time you start now by reading and commenting on other blogs. When you leave meaningful comments on blogs, it shows that you actually read the post. This activity makes blog owners happy that other bloggers and writers are reading their content.

In effect, you'll start creating a long-term professional relationship which may lead to both of you working on a collaborative project. Most important, other visitors to the blog will read your comments, click your link and read your post on your blog.

9 Optimize your blog post for SEO

Getting more readers for your blog post also calls for optimizing your posts for search engine optimization (SEO). When you properly optimize your blog content, it will help web crawlers to find your blog post for Indexing.

This will make your post be seen by many people. Therefore, use the right keywords and keyword phrases that your target audience is constantly searching for online.

Perform keywords research. This is important for on-page SEO. There are many tools and techniques that can help you find keywords that are suitable for your content.

The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is one of the best tools in this regard. It helps you search for the best keywords for your blog post.

Semrush is also a great tool that works well for keyword research. Interestingly, SEMrush won the following awards for the best keyword tools:

  • European Search Awards
  • US Search Awards
  • UK Search Awards

Both tools allow you to research keywords related to your topic and let you spy on your competitors to figure out what keywords and keyword-phrases they're targeting to drive massive traffic and increase engagement on their websites.

10 Give away free items

Giving free stuff away to your audience is an incredible way to get more readers and subscribers to your blog. People in general love free stuff, they get too excited when they hear about free items and, try so much to have a share of the free gift.

It might be free E-books or other items. This strategy will help you get more readers in return for your free gift. This is so true because free items create buzz around your brand, which is why we often see marketers, businesses, and brands giving valuable stuff away for free.

It helps you create brand awareness, and reach more people. But is creating brand awareness the main reason you should give away free items? No.

The main reason is to drive massive traffic to your blog or website, increase engagement, your readership, and boost sales.

For example, Hyundai offered a $50 free gift card to test drive their vehicles. The free $50 Reward Card offer resulted in a 62℅ increase in conversion rate.

How to Attract more readers

In conclusion

There are many ways to get more readers for your blog post. But these 8 tips are remarkable. Implement them, test the results and test your own strategies as well to find out what works best for you.

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How To Get More Audience For My Blog


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