
How To Get Fans On Onlyfans Without Social Media

When Celebrities Were Straight Up Inspiring on Social Media

Photo Courtesy: LoboStudioHamburg/Pixabay

Celebrities can say some pretty crazy stuff on social media. How many times have you stumbled upon a Tweet that made you shake your head, laugh or get angry? Celebrities often influence the public's thinking, for better or worse. However, they can also be inspiring. Let's take a look at when celebrities boosted our spirits on social media. After reading a few of these Tweets, we're sure you'll be inspired to take on the world!

Rev. Run — Keep Shooting

Hip-hop-artist-turned-minister Run from Run-D.M.C has decided to share his wisdom with the world. Rev Run tells it as he sees it: to be a big shot, you have to be a little shot first that never gives up. Rev Run would know — he's dealt with struggles himself.

Photo Courtesy: @RevRunWisdom/Twiiter

Growing up in a tough neighborhood with his brothers wasn't easy, but Rev. Run looked up to his father for his moral compass. "It stuck with me," he explained. "It stuck by all my brothers as well. It's part of our makeup." The streets made him a tougher person, but his father made him a better person who didn't give up.

Greg Grungburg — Appreciate Those Cupcakes

Greg Grunberg is well-known for his comedy and roles as Matt Parkman on Heroes and Snap in Star Wars. Grunberg is friggin' hilarious. He uses inspirational quotes combined with his own unique sense of humor to make people both laugh and think. Mostly laugh.

Photo Courtesy: @greggrunberg/Twitter

He knows that laughter makes others feel good, so he decides he's going to appreciate the little things in life. Those things just happen to be loaded with sugary goodness. It's enough to make anyone go for a frosted cupcake right now. Mmm...

Miyavi — Smilin' Through That Pain

Miyavi is many things: a singer, songwriter, actor, musician and, most recently, a goodwill ambassador. His music has touched millions around the globe despite his early works being sung completely in Japanese. In the middle of tragedy, Miyavi wanted to be someone who could help others get through the worst of it.

Photo Courtesy: @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL/Twitter

Life is difficult, he knew, but smiling through the pain when times are hard helps not just you, but the people around you as well.. Times are going to be tough, but there's always hope. Take it from him; he became a musician only because he became injured playing soccer.

Tony Robbins — Go and Change Your Life!

Known for his self-help books, Tony Robbins literally wrote the book on how to stop screwing up your life. His seminars have inspired millions, and he's provided concrete help to people in need through Feeding America, Spring Health and his own foundation.

Photo Courtesy: @TonyRobbins/Twitter

Tony Robbins' Twitter account is filled with inspirational gems, and his goal is to make sure you're leading your best life. He warns not to attach your emotions to objects. Instead, attach your feelings towards family, friends and your self-worth. Putting your energy into the right things can change your life.

Soleil Moon Frye — Are You Happy?

Soleil Moon Frye of Punky Brewster fame decided to quit acting — for the most part — to raise her four children. Although she still does voice acting every once in a while, Frye now focuses her energy on a specialty clothing shop called Little Seed and a blog about child-rearing. Her twitter feed is filled with inspiring quotes about parenting.

Photo Courtesy: @moonfrye/Twitter

Frye dropped a surprisingly powerful question on Twitter: what makes you happy? While it's not really a quote, it's a question we should all ask ourselves more often. Reading the comment section of this post can restore your faith in humanity — young couples mentioned their families, sunsets, reading books and their children.

MC Hammer — Cheers for Our Veterans!

MC Hammer has been up to a lot since he first wore his Hammer pants and danced around to U Can't Touch This. He's written albums, directed movies and started multiple business. Seriously, his Wikipedia page reads like a novel.

Photo Courtesy: @MCHammer/Twitter

Hammer is incredibly charitable. He partnered with the organization VetsinTech to create a scholarship that helps veterans obtain education and training in various technology fields. A navy vet himself, Hammer knows the importance of giving back.

Rainn Wilson — God Speed, Ric!

Rainn Wilson appeared on The Office as Dwight Schrute, a salesman at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. While Dwight the character is a bit uptight, Rainn plays him with plenty of humor.

Photo Courtesy: @rainnwilson/Twitter

Wilson retains this playfulness in his Tweets, even in the darkest of times. When Ric Ocasek unfortunately passed, Rainn focused on the positive things he brought into the world thanks to his vocal performance in the band Cars. Overcoming tragedy is never easy, but adding a bit of humor to hard times can make it less difficult.

Cesar Millan — Dreams Do Come True

Kids have big dreams, and as they grow older, many people want to achieve those dreams not just for themselves, but for their parents as well. Even so, when life gets hard, it can be tempting to set those dreams aside. Cesar Millan never gave in to that desire.

Photo Courtesy: @cesarmillan/Twitter

Millan showed millions of Americans that you can be nice while teaching your puppy right from wrong. He also proved to the world that he was the best in his craft. His Tweet teaches us to never stop dreaming and to never give up on what you believe in.

Kathy Ireland — Love and Patience

Once a model and actress, Kathy Ireland is now a famous businesswoman and entrepreneur. In fact, she is one of the wealthiest former models in the world. Ireland remains inspirational to many women who are struggling to transition into a different career.

Photo Courtesy: @kathyireland/Twitter

When she stumbled upon a Tweet that spoke about someone's struggle caring for their mother with Alzheimer's, she reTweeted it in solidarity. Watching a family member going through any disease is tough, and having an outlet to release your hurt is super helpful. You don't have to be ashamed about what you're going through.

Jack Canfield — Be Stronger Than Your Past

Author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, corporate trainer — Jack Canfield has done a lot over the years. Not only is he the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, but he also co-wrote the massive hit The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

Photo Courtesy: @JackCanfield/Twitter

Basically, Canfield knows how to sort your life out, and he wants you to know that you're stronger than your past and don't have to be held down by your mistakes. You can always try again tomorrow, and there are very few things can't be overcome or made right.

Richard Branson — Challenges and Curiosity

Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Group, which currently controls 400 companies in various fields. Among his many accomplishments are being knighted by the Queen of England and designing suborbital planes made for space tourism.

Photo Courtesy: @richardbranson/Twitter

Branson likes to share news about science and technology, but sometimes he dabbles in the inspirational. He even posts links to sources followers can use to better themselves Learning new things is inspirational!

Gary Vaynerchuk — Don't Chase Money, Chase Happiness

Have you ever read the book Crushing It! How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence — and How You Can, Too? The entire book is full of awesome information on how to start a business. Gary Vaynerchuk, the author, provides a glimpse of how he balances work, success, money and happiness on Twitter.

Photo Courtesy: @garyvee/Twitter

Vaynerchuk is right: chasing money isn't going to make you happy. Although money can fix a lot of problems, what matters most is finding a path forward that allows you to find joy in life and be your best self. Nothing else matters.

Tai Lopez — Sleep and Start Over

Tai Lopez is an entrepreneur, investor and media personality who famously made his fortune from basically nothing. He's perhaps most well-known for his Snapchat book recommendations, which are sure to point you toward inspiration.

Photo Courtesy: @tailopez/Twitter

Lopez's Twitter account also has many inspiring quotes. If you ever feel lost, helpless, or broke, it isn't the end. As long as you're still breathing, you can pick up and try again tomorrow. You only fail if you stop trying.

Grant Cardone — Reason to Remember the Name

Once an unemployed drug-addict, businessman Grant Cardone became a multi-millionaire with a lot of hard work and patience. He took a slow and steady path toward reaching success, and at 60-years-old, he's now undeniably inspirational.

Photo Courtesy: @GrantCardone/Twitter

There are so many reasons to remember Cardone: his rags to riches story, his investment books that have helped millions, his impressive empire and so much more. The point is, people are going to know his name for years to come, and he's wondering if you'll join him at the top. See you there!

Steve Case — Young Companies Strengthen Their Cities

Steve Case used to be the chief executive officer and chairman of AOL. Since his departure, he's kept busy teaching others how to become independent entrepreneurs. He also became a member of President Barack Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

Photo Courtesy: @SteveCase/Twitter

Case is pretty influential in the American job-hunting community, and he uses his Twitter account to empower young entrepreneurs. This Tweet notes that young companies — not ancient corporations —are behind the success of many American cities.

Lady Gaga — Fame Is Prison

Lady Gaga is a mega-celebrity with multiple achievements to her name, including multiple Guinness World Records, nine Grammies, Woman of the Year and Greatest Woman in Music. Her work with LGBT rights is nothing to overlook, either.

Photo Courtesy: @ladygaga/Twitter

Despite all those accomplishments, Lady Gaga Tweeted that fame was a prison. It's tempting to think that fame will solve all your problems, but this Tweet is a reminder that it's not all it's cut out to be. Perhaps people should enjoy what they have, whatever that may be.

Miley Ray Cyrus — Play It Again!

It makes sense that Miley Ray Cyrus would be big on the classics. Growing up in the household of superstar Billy Ray Cyrus meant she was brought up with music around her at all times. Miley also started performing at a young age as Hanna Montana and topped the charts with her soundtracks from the show.

Photo Courtesy: @MileyCyrus/Twitter

She went to Twitter to discuss how she plays music both for herself and others, which by itself is already a bit inspirational. However, she also touches on how listening to music across generations can draw people together and get them to appreciate more songs.

Randi Zuckerberg — Get a Partner That Completes You

Although she is often overshadowed by her more popular brother Mark Zuckerberg, Randi Zuckerberg is nevertheless a motivated businesswoman who knows a thing or two about investing. She created the animated children's show Dot., founded Zuckerberg Media and was a panelist for Forbes on Fox. She's a busy lady.

Photo Courtesy: @randizuckerberg/Twitter

Randi's Twitter is a young investor's goldmine of information. However, she also touches on more personal issues like she does here. Find yourself a partner that completes you fully; don't settle for less in a life partner. You should find a spouse that can help you achieve your goals, not hold you back.

Lewis Howes — You Have A Gift

Lewis Howes is an example of how hard work, grit and a bit of luck can sometimes overcome great adversity. Once broke, unemployed and sleeping on his sister's couch, Howes has come a long way since his humble beginnings. He is now the author of multiple best-selling books.

Photo Courtesy: @LewisHowes/Twitter

Perhaps because Howes had to work so hard to get to where he is, he believes that it's important to share your potential with the rest of the world. Use your gifts and abilities to make the world a better, happier place.

Caterina Fake — Make Room For Women

Businesswoman and entrepreneur Caterina Fake is best known for co-founding websites Flickr and Hunch. She a trustee for multiple nonprofit organizations, former chairwoman at Etsy, and a recognized Silicon Valley angel investor. That's quite the list of accomplishments!

Photo Courtesy: @Caterina/Twitter

Fake has a bone to pick with companies that refuse to hire women or overlook them because of their gender. She knows firsthand that women can bring a lot to the table when it comes to business ownership and business operation. With more teamwork and fewer Gulfstreams, she believes that businesses could run more smoothly. Where's the lie?

Katy Perry — Can't We All Just Get Along?

Katy Perry has the world's most-followed Twitter account, so she's pretty influential. Although she isn't as active as she used to be, Perry remains a multi-platinum artist who continues to produce award-winning music.

Photo Courtesy: @katyperry/Twitter

This Tweet is perhaps more philosophical than inspirational, but that doesn't mean it can't be used to push yourself to do better. No matter what the reason for other people's misbehavior, you can still try and be kind and good, and maybe turn Perry's frown upside down in the process.

Justin Bieber — Build Others Up

Canadian superstar Justin Bieber is no newbie when it comes to being insulted. There really isn't any reason for it, but his music video Baby is one of the most disliked videos on YouTube. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but that's no reason to be a jerk about it.

Photo Courtesy: @justinbieber/Twitter

Like Katy Perry, Bieber thinks that people can be better than they are. This Tweet is also a callout of the behavior of some of his fans — did you know he had to quit Instagram because his fans insulted his girlfriend?

Rihanna — Don't Just Dream, Do It

Rihanna has a huge twitter following and is currently the third most-followed artist on the platform. A lot of young women look up to her as a source of inspiration, and she definitely doesn't shy away from sharing her thoughts.

Photo Courtesy: @rihanna/Twitter

This Tweet is no exception. How are you going to become great if all you're doing is dreaming about it? You need to put in the work to be successful. Rihanna no doubt follows this mantra.

Elon Musk — Props to Manufacturing Employees

Did you know that Elon Musk is a meme god? Check out his Twitter feed — he knows his stuff. What hasn't Elon Musk done? He created PayPal, Tesla and is now trying to figure out how to get to Mars. Now going by "Treelon" on Twitter, Elon has a keen interest in the environment.

Photo Courtesy: @elonmusk/Twitter

What's inspiring about Elon is his kindness towards his workers. In this Tweet, he gives props to the manufacturers that help him with his work as well as the profession in general. It's nice to see the one percent appreciating the little guy.

Yoko Ono — We're All Activists

Yoko Ono has been making music since the '60s and was a prominent activist during the Vietnam War with her late husband John Lennon. She's an artist with a long career in many forms of art.

Photo Courtesy: @yokoono/Twitter

Ono is still an activist and protests multiple causes. She talks about how each of us tries to save ourselves in our own way from this war-torn world. This could either be through our hobbies, our jobs or by the things we tell ourselves. It makes you think about the state of the world.

Jessica Simpson — Being a Mother Isn't Easy, But It's Rewarding

American singer, songwriter and fashion designer Jessica Simpson signed to a record label at the young age of 16, and the rest is history. She became a household name when she and her then-husband Nick Lachey starred in a reality TV show chronicling their marriage and careers. They then divorced in 2006.

Photo Courtesy: @JessicaSimpson/Twitter

Jessica Simpson married Eric Johnson in 2013, and they have three children together. On Twitter, Simpson talks about the everyday struggles and joys of being a mother. It goes to show that motherhood is no easy task, even as a celebrity, it's rewarding all the same.

LL Cool J — Heal Yourself Before You Heal Others

Did you know that LL Cool J stands for Ladies Love Cool James? How about the fact that he's released 13 studio albums? LL Cool J's hip-hop and rap career has been so influential that he nabbed a spot in VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time list.

Photo Courtesy: @llcoolj/Twitter

When he isn't rapping, writing or acting, LL Cool J spends his time inspiring others through public speaking as well as Twitter. He tells his audiences that you can't give anyone your time unless you start to heal yourself.

Neil Diamond — Thanks for the Birthday Wishes

American singer, songwriter, Grammy lifetime achievement award winner and all-around nice guy Neil Diamond has a music career that's lasted decades, and he's still producing top-selling albums to this day. Many artists would kill to have the lasting success and clout that he's had and will continue to have for years to come.

Photo Courtesy: @NeilDiamond/Twitter

That's why it's so humbling to see him thank his fans for the birthday wishes and know that acknowledgment of his birthday made his day. He hopes you're having a good day as well! Seriously, how cute is that? Neil Diamond seems like the chill dad of the entertainment business.

Fran Drescher — Follow the Compass

Fran Drescher made it big when she starred in the Nanny in the '90s, but she continues to act to this day in various acting and voice acting roles. Drescher is a proud activist for health-care and LGBT+ rights and a prominent feminist.

Photo Courtesy: @frandrescher/Twitter

According to Drescher, kindness and compassion are the values people should follow to live satisfying and meaningful lives. This message is particularly important coming from someone who has achieved so much success — maybe fame really isn't everything.

Alyssa Milano — Speak for Yourself

Known for her roles in Who's the Boss and Charmed, Alyssa Milano has been acting and performing since the age of 10. She is also a humanitarian and an activist that encourages people to vote and to speak up for what they believe in.

Photo Courtesy: @Alyssa_Milano/Twitter

In this Tweet, Milano wants people to make decisions for themselves, and to not be swayed by public opinion or by the opinions of celebrities like her. She encourages you to make your own choices in politics and wants us all to band together for the betterment of America.

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